Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Theater review: 'Sweeney Todd' sates appetite for both horror and ...

On Friday night at Portland Center Stage, if you were hungry after the performance, you could have a fitting little snack at the opening-night reception in the lobby: meat pies.
Whether you ate them or not -- having just watched a show in which random 19th-century Londoners are murdered, ground up and baked into savory pasties -- might say a little about how you view the main thematic concerns of ?Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street?: How we respond when confronted by the cruelty and injustice of the world. How we sate our appetites. And how we can find humor even in horror.
If you?re hungry for entertainment served rare, a delectable blend of the macabre and the playful, the sensationalist and the serious, the grisly and the gristly (sorry), ?Sweeney Todd? is a fabulous feast. Staged with a sure hand by PCS artistic director Chris Coleman, sung with gusto by an impressive cast, the production strikes a fine balance of the dark and light tones (well, more like black and grey) in the Stephen Sondheim/Hugh Wheeler classic.

Sondheim, the legendary composer/lyricist, has called the work a ?musical horror story? and a ?dark operetta,? and indeed it marks a stark departure from the lighthearted expectations of most musicals.

Coleman, along with scenic designer William Bloodgood and lighting designer Diane Ferry Williams, has created a shadowy world of grimy, industrialized squalor, a dehumanizing society in a setting that practically reeks of teeming humanity.

"Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street"

When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, plus various additional times and days through Oct. 21

Where: Gerding Theater, 128 N.W. 11th Ave.

Tickets: from $39 (student discounts and rush seats also available), 503-445-3700, pcs.org

Sweeney Todd, an escapee from an Australian prison colony returns to this great, callous city bent on avenging his 15 years in unjust exile, and the ensuing story involves rape, murder, cannibalism and a variety of tense machinations. But the spoonfuls of levity, mostly delivered by the engaging Gretchen Rumbaugh as opportunistic pie-maker Mrs. Lovett, make it all go down more easily.

At once brooding and brisk, this production gathers dramatic momentum with a relentlessness that?s enhanced, not thrown off, by the short detours into romantic balladry and black comedy.

?Johanna,? for instance, a longing love song that becomes a recurring melodic and emotional motif, lingers poignantly in memory. ?A Little Priest,? in which Todd and Mrs. Lovett list and laugh about the varieties of meat they?ll serve (?It?s fop/Finest in the shop/And we have some shepherd?s pie/Peppered/With actual shepherd on top?) is merely the sharpest example of Sondheim?s precision craft, his mastery of wordplay and melodic form.

Aloysious Gigl gives the title character a mix of intensity, detachment and deep sadness, managing the essential trick of rendering the barber/butcher as simultaneously vicious and sympathetic. As Todd?s nemesis, Judge Turpin, Matthew Alan Smith conveys a perverse yet conflicted psyche in brief brushstrokes.

But even with those fearsome fellows around, you might find Mrs. Lovett the most ultimately disquieting denizen of Fleet Street.

After all, in more ways than one, the pies are her recipe.

-- Marty Hughley

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/performance/index.ssf/2012/09/theater_review_sweeney_todd_sa.html

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Monday, September 24, 2012

UN: Agency didn't violate North Korea sanctions

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/un-agency-didnt-violate-north-korea-sanctions-160901698--finance.html

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Apple sells 5 million iPhones on opening weekend, updates 100 million devices to iOS 6

Apple sells 5 million iPhones on opening weekend, updates 100 million devices to iOS 6

Apple has just announced their sales figures for the iPhone 5 and once again they don't fail to impress -- 5 million in the 3 days since September 21. Apple also announced that 100 million iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads have updated to iOS 6 since it was released on September 19.

?Demand for iPhone 5 has been incredible and we are working hard to get an iPhone 5 into the hands of every customer who wants one as quickly as possible,? said Tim Cook, Apple?s CEO. ?While we have sold out of our initial supply, stores continue to receive iPhone 5 shipments regularly and customers can continue to order online and receive an estimated delivery date. We appreciate everyone?s patience and are working hard to build enough iPhone 5s for everyone.?

Last weekend's numbers include sales in the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the UK. This coming weekend, Apple will launch the iPhone 5 in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland as well.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/E9_EPTkgoPE/story01.htm

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DSCC ups spending in Nev., Ind. Senate battles

(AP) ? Democrats are splitting roughly $1.2 million in new spending between tight races in Indiana and Nevada as they try to maintain control of the Senate.

Senate Democrats plan to spend $630,000 on a one-week advertising run in Nevada and $525,000 in Indiana over the same time. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's new spending begins Tuesday and will air on broadcast and cable.

A Democrat tracking ad buys confirmed the numbers on condition of anonymity because the ads have not started running.

Senate Democrats have seen their chances of maintaining their slim edge in the Senate improve slightly in the last few weeks. But outside groups on both sides of the aisle are greatly increasing spending in key races as the battle for the Senate enters its final weeks.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-09-24-Senate-Democratic%20Ads/id-2d8404e435a9472cb8d39c44b710611f

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Eating For Health, Not Weight


Almost half of Americans are on a diet -- not surprising, since two-thirds are overweight or obese, a frightening statistic that inspired Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to push through a ban on large soft drinks in New York City. The country is preoccupied with calories. McDonald's, for instance, is now posting them. But our widespread hope for weight loss makes us vulnerable to all kinds of promises, even ones that aren't true, when it comes to food.

Read the whole story at www.nytimes.com

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/22/eating-for-health-not-wei_n_1906640.html

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After Facebook posts, Pa. hostage-taker surrenders

PITTSBURGH (AP) ? Klein Michael Thaxton hadn't been much of a Facebook devotee. He posted no status updates in two years on the social network. On Friday, though, he surfaced with a jarring post: "i cant take it no more im done bro."

The 22-year-old Army veteran was on the 16th floor of a downtown Pittsburgh office building at the time, armed with a hammer and kitchen knife and holding a businessman hostage, police said.

He surrendered after more than five hours. Neither he nor the hostage, business owner Charles Breitsman, 58, was injured. But Thaxton's real-time Facebook updates ? coupled with online pleas by his friends to surrender ? vividly illustrated the evolving challenges that confront police when social media plays an active role in a crime-in-progress.

In all, Thaxton sent seven messages, many of them despairing and written in disjointed style.

"this life im livin rite now i dnt want anymore," said one post. "ive lost everything and I aint gettin it back."

Thaxton's friends responded by urging him to end the situation peacefully, including one who asked him to think of his mother.

"dude, you gotta purpose here in life, and this ain't it yo, people do care man, they do," another wrote.

Thaxton's mother, Ronda Thaxton, was at the scene working with negotiators. She said she last saw her son several weeks ago and had a feeling he was troubled.

Initially, police wanted his Facebook page kept open, hoping to gain useful information, but they later asked Facebook to take it down so that he could focus on communicating with authorities.

The Facebook exchanges had the potential to help and to harm those efforts, police Chief Nathan Harper said. It was helpful that Thaxton could see "that people are concerned about his well-being," the chief said, but "it is a distraction for negotiating."

Hours into the standoff, Pittsburgh's public safety director, Michael Huss, asked the media to refrain from reporting about the Facebook page, though many outlets had already done so.

Thaxton served as a private in the U.S. Army from December 2008 to June 2010. The Army said he trained at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri before being assigned to Fort Riley in Kansas.

He also has a criminal record, including a guilty plea to robbery earlier this year in a special county court for military veterans with mental health or addiction problems.

The hostage-taking was the latest striking example of how Facebook and other social media can inject the public into crime dramas in ways that were inconceivable in the pre-Internet age.

In the old days, police would call the telephone company and ask that the hostage-taker's phone number be changed immediately so no one else could call it, said Gary Noesner, a former chief of the FBI's crisis negotiation unit.

In this case, countless people had the ability to communicate with Thaxton, sending him comments and potentially provoking him, "for better or for worse," said Steve Jones, a professor who studies online culture at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

"We don't really know what the perpetrators pay attention to," Jones said. "Is he reading every post? How does he interpret those posts? What might set him off or what might get him to calm down?"

A former criminal profiling expert with the FBI, Mary Ellen O'Toole, said the decision by police to ultimately shut down Thaxton's Facebook page made sense, just as there was reason to leave it up in the beginning.

"You really do have to be very careful. It may not take much to make that person even more erratic, more irrational," she added, noting that negative posts "could really cause him to go terribly sideways."

Harper said police counted 700 posts, most of them helpful to police in that they expressed concern for Thaxton or encouraged his surrender. But some were "ridiculous" and others "outright distasteful," the chief said. If police determine any of the posts urged Thaxton to harm Breitsman or himself, those posters could face charges.

The hostage owned CW Breitsman Associates, which runs employee benefits programs for other businesses.

Thaxton rode a bike to the high-rise and took an elevator to the 16th floor because he didn't have proper security cards to get into the highest floors, Harper said.

Investigators determined that Thaxton picked the office at random after noticing through a glass door or window that Breitsman had an iPhone, computer and TV in his office that Thaxton, correctly, believed he could use to call attention to himself, Harper said.

Investigators would like to know why Thaxton wanted to create a public spectacle, Harper said, "but we will leave that to the mental professionals to figure that out and get the man some help."

Thaxton was charged with kidnapping, terroristic threats and aggravated assault and may be charged with escape once police identify the halfway house where he was living after a recent carjacking conviction, Harper said.

Thaxton saw Breitsman's name on an office door and asked for him by name but didn't know Breitsman or have any connection to him, Harper said.

Police spokeswoman Diane Richard said Breitsman was able to meet with his family after Thaxton surrendered a little before 2 p.m.

"He is doing OK at this point, a little shaken up," Richard said.

Facebook did not comment on the Pittsburgh hostage-taking but referred reporters to a page describing how it works with law enforcement. The page says Facebook may share information with law enforcement if deemed necessary to "prevent imminent bodily harm" to someone.

The social network's nearly 1 billion users come from all walks of life, including criminals. Some of them boast about their exploits on Facebook, often making it easier for law enforcement to track them down.

Last year, a Utah man named Jason Valdez posted updates on his Facebook page during a 16-hour standoff with police. According to reports at the time, some of his friends and relatives urged him to "be careful" while at least one tipped him off to the location of a SWAT officer.

In another Utah case last year, a woman used Facebook to seek help after she and her 17-month-old son were held hostage at a residence for nearly five days. According to police, the woman hid in a closet with a laptop to post her plea for help, saying she and her son would be "dead by morning" if they were not rescued.


Associated Press writers Kevin Begos in Pittsburgh and Michael Rubinkam contributed to this report. AP Technology writer Barbara Ortutay and AP news researcher Jennifer Farrar contributed from New York.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/facebook-posts-pa-hostage-taker-surrenders-213726995.html

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Apple airs four new ads, Thumb, Cheese and Physics for the iPhone 5 along with Ears for Earpods

Apple airs four new ads, Thumb, Cheese and Physics for the iPhone 5 along with Ears for EarpodsApple has released four new adverts to coincide with the availability of the iPhone 5. Three of the ads concentrate solely on the iPhone 5 while the other is all about its new Earpods. The adverts are called Thumb, Cheese, Physics and Ears.

Thumb covers the new larger screen on the iPhone 5 and how easy it is to use one handed with your thumb. Cheese is all about the new camera taking panorama shots which Apple claims it?s as easy as saying ?Cheese?. Physics goes over the iPhone 5 size compared to the iPhone 4S and how it is now larger but lighter and thinner too. The final ad Ears is all about the new Earpods and how they are designed for better audio quality and a better fit.

The four ads are all below so make sure you check them out. They are certainly much better than the Genius ads that Apple aired then removed a few months back. At least these ads concentrate on the iPhone 5 and its new features. What do you think? Do you like the iPhone 5 and Earpod ads?

Source: YouTube

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/qOqEoOmN_8U/story01.htm

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Here's the List of iOS 6 Compatible Jailbreak Tweaks [Jailbreak]

Here's the List of iOS 6 Compatible Jailbreak TweaksiOS: Cydia themes designer Adam Insull has shared a giant list of all the jailbreak/Cydia tweaks that are compatible with iOS 6. (There's an unofficial method to jailbreak iOS 6 with redsn0w out now.) Check out the shared doc to see what tweaks you'll be able to use on a jailbroken iDevice.

The list includes everything including if the tweak is working or not, notes, and price. Currently, 235 tweaks are listed.

If you find any others or have corrections, you can email Adam (his email is in the spreadsheet).

iOS 6 Cydia Tweaks Compatibility | Google Docs via Absinthe Jailbreak

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/o7DLJen5ZL8/heres-the-list-of-ios-6-compatible-jailbreak-tweaks

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Carpenter Bee Robber Fly from South Africa eats Wasp

Posted by September 22nd, 2012 at 10:49 am


Robber Flies


food chain

What's That Bug? does not endorse extermination

Subject: carpenter fly comment..
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
September 22, 2012 9:23 am
I did leave a comment, but was unable to load my pics I took with my mobile. So just want to add them here if you might want them:-)
Signature: rob

carpenter bee robber fly south africa rob 300x242 Carpenter Bee Robber Fly from South Africa eats Wasp

Carpenter Bee Robber Fly eats Wasp

Hi Rob,
We first posted a photo that we identified as? Carpenter Bee Robber Fly,
Hyperechia marshalli, earlier this year.? Global Species has a matching image.? Your image is a great addition to our Food Chain tag.

Hello Daniel
Thank you very much for your quick reply.. I think you will be getting many mails from me.. you guys are great:-)

Please include South Africa in your subject lines Rob.? That will help get our attention.

Related Posts

Source: http://www.whatsthatbug.com/2012/09/22/carpenter-bee-robber-fly-from-south-africa-eats-wasp/

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding

Judge Alice Nelson has an idea for a kids show, My Little Pony: The Other White Meat.

What a mother won't do for her children.

My girls just love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and watching it with them as they giggled and squealed during this five-episode collection, made the program far more enjoyable than it would've been otherwise.

The My Little Pony toy was created in the early 1980s by Hasbro. In 1984, the first animated half hour series premiered, and these ponies haven't looked back since. The current incarnation airs on The Hub Network (formerly Discovery Kids), a joint venture between Discovery Communications and Hasbro.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is pretty sweet, possessing an air of innocence we don't see in many kid's shows these days. The target audience is definitely little girls who love the toys, and are probably daughters of mother's who played with My Little Ponies as children. There's even a fringe group of college guys called "Bronys," who are strangely infatuated with this new Pony franchise. I'm sure Hasbro welcomes anyone who wants to patronize their products, but if these grown men want to play Ponies with your little princesses, I suggest you call law enforcement. In any case, it's nice to see children's programming that harkens back to the days when kids could be kids, before they were encouraged to emulate scantily clad teenage pop stars.

Watching Royal Pony Wedding is almost like sitting through a Broadway production. Each episode contains elaborate musical numbers, and husband thinks these catchy and appealing songs are the producer's sneaky ploy to get kids interested in the theater. You never know. The main characters are Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. These PFFs (Pony Friends Forever) traipse around Ponyville doing good deeds, jetsetting between their hometown and Equestria, the royal pony city where their friend Princess Celestia lives.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a fun show parents and their little girls can enjoy together. It's got that syrupy appeal the youngins love, but contains enough sly humor to keeps mom and dad interested, while avoiding that cringing feel often found in shows this sugary. The personalities of these ponies remind me of my own three girls and how they play with each other, so this DVD release has a special place in my heart. There are only five episodes, but if your kids are anything like mine, they'll be wanting to watch them over and over with the same excitement they had the very first time they saw them.

Adobe Flash is used to animate the show which is presented in standard definition 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen. The colors are crisp and clear, representing that wonderfully happy Ponyville vibe. The Dolby 2.0 Stereo mix highlights the musical numbers, as well as the cutsie dialogue.

Parents, this is worth a purchase for two very important reasons: 1) You will be a hero when you pull this gem out of your Amazon smiley face box; and 2) The ponies will keep your lovely children ocupado for quite some time, giving you a two hour reprieve to read or score that well-deserved nap.

Source: http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/royalponywedding.php

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US begins test flights of MV-22 Osprey in Japan

TOKYO (AP) ? The U.S. Marines conducted their first test flights of the MV-22 Osprey aircraft in Japan on Friday after months of protests over safety concerns.

The hybrid aircraft can take off like a helicopter and fly like an airplane. Flight operations were conducted at a base in southern Japan where they are temporarily deployed before being transferred to Okinawa.

Protesters held up signs opposing the deployment while the test flights were under way.

Following two recent crashes, tens of thousands of Okinawans have protested the deployment, saying that they are not safe to fly in Okinawa's crowded environment.

But Japan's central government gave the green light for operations to begin this week after a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who said Washington is confident in the safety of the aircraft. The planes are to head to Okinawa this month.

Japanese media reported that a man who defaced a monument at the Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park claimed he did so because he was upset over the Osprey deployment. The reports said the man had been drunk and was arrested on suspicion of vandalism.

Calls to Hiroshima police were not answered late Friday. The red paint that was sprayed onto the cenotaph for victims of the 1945 atomic bombing has been removed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-begins-test-flights-mv-22-osprey-japan-011242888.html

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Bacalaureat 2008 ? Using Business Checks to Ascertain You ...

The history of business checks is an old and interesting one. Traffic exchanges are something which are very popular for loads of people who are new to the Internet mainly because it?s a guaranteed way to get traffic to their web pages. Even though these are popular for newcomers, you are going to find that the more experienced individuals in Internet Marketing won?t use this strategy for creating traffic. This ought to tell you something relating to this kind of traffic generating strategy, simply because if advanced Online Marketers don?t use it, than why should you be using it? Some of you may be glad to realize that we are going to be discussing a couple of the drawbacks and advantages of using this type of advertising and marketing so you can decide if it is worth your time.

Whatever web page you may be advertising and marketing through the traffic exchanges, you should realize that it?s guaranteed that you are going to be obtaining traffic, as long as you are utilizing these exchanges. The way many traffic exchanges work, if you enroll in their free program, is you?ll need to view two web sites and at this point you have one credit to let somebody else view your internet site. Therefore, as you can see, so long as you are viewing other people?s sites there will be other individuals viewing your website which is why this is a guaranteed way to obtain traffic.

A lot of men and women want to make certain they are getting the most traffic as they possibly can, which means they make use of these traffic exchanges all day long to be able to get the most traffic. In relation to running a successful on the web business it does require time and dedication, but if all of your time is dedicated to traffic exchanges you?ll not be building your business whatsoever. Another thing I want to point out relating to this kind of traffic is that it is not targeted and individuals are not truly interested in what you are selling, so it could take a huge number of individuals to be able to create one sale. Of course I should also tell you that you could end up utilizing these traffic exchanges 24 hours each day for weeks and still not wind up with a sale or lead.

You?re additionally going to find that almost every traffic exchange will permit you to transfer your credits over to text links or banner advertisements, but these tend to be more of a waste of time than the traffic exchange itself. Simply because men and women are only checking out the internet sites to be able to earn credits, you?re going to see that they pay no attention to the banners along with other advertisements that they discover on the traffic exchanges. The reality of the matter is these sorts of advertisements on traffic exchanges are totally useless and something the you need to avoid at all costs.

Now that you realize how traffic exchanges work, you?ve probably determined that this is not a productive use of your time. There are lots of other traffic producing strategies that will work so a lot better and get you so many more leads than using traffic exchanges.


Source: http://www.bacalaureat2008.net/2012/09/using-business-checks-to-ascertain-you-should-understand-that-traffic-exchanges-have-far-more-drawbacks-than-advantages/

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Martinez dominates to win title from Chavez Jr.

Sergio Martinez falls to the mat as referee Tony Weeks directs Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. to his corner in the 12th round during the WBC middleweight title fight, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, in Las Vegas. Martinez won by unanimous decision. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Sergio Martinez falls to the mat as referee Tony Weeks directs Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. to his corner in the 12th round during the WBC middleweight title fight, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, in Las Vegas. Martinez won by unanimous decision. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Sergio Martinez, right, lands a punch against Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. during the WBC middleweight title fight, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, in Las Vegas. Martinez won by unanimous decision. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Sergio Martinez, left, lands a punch against Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. during the WBC middleweight title fight, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, in Las Vegas. Martinez won by unanimous decision. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., center, lands a punch against Sergio Martinez in the 12th round as referee Tony Weeks, left, looks on during the WBC middleweight title fight, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, in Las Vegas. Martinez won by unanimous decision. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., right, lands a punch against Sergio Martinez during the WBC middleweight title fight, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012, in Las Vegas. Martinez won by unanimous decision. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

(AP) ? For 11 rounds, Sergio Martinez did everything he wanted, including giving Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. the beating he promised.

Then came a wild 12th round that will be talked about in boxing for a long time to come.

Bleeding from the nose and his face bruised from the hands of Martinez, Chavez somehow found a way to land a left hook and then another that put Martinez on the canvas before a frenzied capacity crowd at the UNLV campus arena. Martinez would go down one more time in the final round and was taking huge punches when the bell mercifully sounded to end the fight.

Martinez ended up winning a lopsided unanimous decision to regain the middleweight title. But the 12th-round rally by Chavez was one for boxing lore, reminiscent of a fight his father was in 22 years ago against Meldrick Taylor just a few miles away from the Las Vegas Strip.

"I was 20 seconds away from knocking him out. I started way too late," Chavez said. "I didn't really get started until the eighth round."

Martinez was quicker, busier and far more accurate as he won round after round, piling up points as Chavez struggled to do much against him. Martinez said before the fight he didn't consider Chavez a true champion and vowed to give him a beating he would long remember.

He did just that, to the point where trainer Freddie Roach told Chavez after the 10th round he was going to stop the fight if he didn't do something spectacular.

"He fought a great fight and he was a lot tougher than I expected," Martinez said. "He showed great heart."

Martinez won 118-110 on two ringside scorecards and 117-110 on the third. Two judges had him winning every round until the 12th, while the third gave him only one round. The Associated Press had Martinez winning 118-110.

Chavez lost for the first time, falling to 46-1-1, while Martinez improved to 50-2-2.

The wild ending nearly ruined what was a great night for the Argentinian, who used his speed and boxing skills to dominate until the final round. Chavez was bleeding from the nose, his face was marked up and he looked finished until suddenly landing a huge left hook to drop Martinez for the first time.

Martinez got up only to take several more head punches and go down once again. Chavez kept after him when he got back up, trying desperately to land the finisher before the bell sounded and the decision was lost.

"If Julio wants a rematch, we'll do a rematch," Martinez said.

The comeback was reminiscent to the one by his father in 1990 against Taylor, when he came back from seemingly certain defeat in the last round to stop Taylor with 2 seconds left.

"You hit very hard," a victorious Martinez told Chavez afterward.

Promoter Lou DiBella said his fighter wanted to knock Chavez out, and may have taken more chances than he should have in a fight he had well under control.

"You saw a boxing clinic for 11 rounds and you saw an epic last round," DiBella said. "I know how he held on."

Ringside punch stats showed the dominance of Martinez, who was credited with landing 322 of 908 punces to 178 of 390 for Chavez. Martinez was particularly effective with his right jab, landing 140 of them, and often following them with a left to the body or head to keep Chavez away.

Martinez won back the title the WBC stripped from him for not fighting a mandatory challenger, a mission he had said was personal. He said he was going to make Chavez pay a price for holding the 160-pound title he considered his, and for 11 rounds he kept his promise.

Martinez fought his fight in the early rounds, using his jab and speed to keep Chavez off balance. Fighting out of a southpaw stance, he stayed on his toes, moving around on the outside and seldom allowing Chavez in where he could cause damage.

The action picked up in the fourth round as Chavez found Martinez with a good right, only to take a series of punches from his quicker opponent. At one point in the round, just after Chavez complained of a low blow, Martinez landed a right-left combo, then taunted Chavez.

Until the 12th round it was much of the same. Chavez picked up the pace late, but it wasn't until he caught Martinez with the left hook that the fight turned into a brawl that nearly cost Martinez the bout.

"I knew Martinez was good," said Freddie Roach, the trainer for Chavez. "I didn't know how good. This was a good lesson for Julio, he needed to let his hands go sooner."

The fight was part of a big fight night in this gambling city. Just a few blocks away from where Martinez and Chavez did battle, Mexican sensation Saul "Canelo" Alvarez stopped Josesito Lopez in a 154-pound title defense.

Chavez earned his biggest payday, $3 million guaranteed, while Martinez got $1.4 million plus a percentage of the pay-per-view sales.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-09-16-BOX-Chavez-Martinez/id-93a9c01475234806a900ba2579cb0fef

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Wholesale inflation rises; labor market struggles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Producer prices rose by the most in three years in August as the cost of energy surged, but underlying inflation pressures were contained, keeping the door open to additional monetary policy easing.

Other data on Thursday underscored the weakness in the labor market, a major concern for the Federal Reserve, with the number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits rising to a two-month high, although some of the gain was attributed to Tropical Storm Isaac.

The Labor Department said its seasonally adjusted producer price index increased 1.7 percent last month, the largest gain since June 2009 and accelerating from July's 0.3 percent rise.

Economists polled by Reuters had expected prices at farms, factories and refineries to rise 1.1 percent last month.

Wholesale prices excluding volatile food and energy costs rose 0.2 percent, slowing from a 0.4 percent increase in July. The rise matched economists' expectations.

In a second report, the department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits rose 15,000 to a seasonally adjusted 382,000. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims rising to 370,000 last week.

A Labor Department official said Tropical Storm Isaac, which drenched parts of the country, accounted for about 9,000 of the claims filed last week. The number is not adjusted to take normal seasonal patterns into consideration.

The reports came as officials from the U.S. central bank were meeting for a second day to deliberate on policy.

The Fed is expected to announce the launch of a third round of the bond purchases at the end of the meeting, to spur the lackluster economic recovery.

The Fed decision, which could also include tweaks to its pledge to hold rates near zero at least through late-2014, is expected around 12:30 p.m. EDT (1630 GMT)

"The latest (claims) report simply confirms what the Federal Reserve already knows about the state of employment and will only encourage it to further support the economy through wider use of its balance sheet," said Andrew Wilkinson, chief economic strategist at Miller Tabak in New York.

Even accounting for the storm, the report suggested little improvement in the labor market after job growth slowed sharply in August. The four-week moving average for new claims, a better measure of labor market trends, climbed 3,250 to 375,000, the highest since the middle of July.

Employers added 96,000 jobs last month, a step down from July's 141,000 count. While the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1 percent in August from 8.3 percent, it was because Americans gave up the search for work.

While the rise in overall wholesale inflation last month, could push up consumer prices, the impact could be temporary given sluggish job growth and tepid domestic demand.

Consumer inflation is currently below the Fed's 2 percent target.

Overall producer prices last month were buoyed by a 6.4 percent increase in energy prices, the biggest rise in three years.

Energy prices, which were pushed up by a jump in the cost of gasoline, accounted for more than 80 percent of the rise in wholesale prices last month. Energy prices had dropped 0.4 percent in July.

Food prices rose 0.9 percent, the largest gain since November. Higher prices for dairy products accounted for a third of the increase in food prices last month. Food prices had increased 0.5 percent the prior month and could remain elevated as a severe drought pushes up the cost of grain and soybeans.

In the 12 months to August, producer prices increased 2.0 percent, the biggest gain since March, after advancing 0.5 percent in July.

Outside food and energy, producer prices were restrained by a decline in the cost of passenger cars, which fell 0.2 percent after rising 1.1 percent in July. Light motor truck price increases slowed to 0.6 percent after a advancing 1.6 percent the prior month.

Pharmaceutical product prices increased 0.5 percent, accounting for more than 30 percent of the rise in core PPI last month.

In the 12 months to August, core producer prices increased 2.5 percent after rising by the same margin the previous month.

(Editing by Andrea Ricci)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/tropical-storm-issac-boosts-jobless-claims-last-week-123348999--business.html

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No deal in Chicago as strike talks drag on

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago students marked a week off classes on Friday as hopes of an imminent end to a teachers' strike proved optimistic and tedious negotiations over education reforms sought by Mayor Rahm Emanuel dragged on.

Led by a fiery former high school chemistry teacher, Karen Lewis, 29,000 public school teachers and support staff walked out on Sunday in the first Chicago Teachers Union strike since 1987.

The confrontation, the largest strike in the United States in a year, has galvanized the U.S. labor movement and exposed a rift within the Democratic party over reform of urban schools.

After negotiating long into the night, Lewis and Chicago School Board President David Vitale emerged early on Friday morning to say no deal had yet been reached.

"We had another good day of working ... I think that we made some pretty good progress," Vitale said, adding that he hoped the two sides could secure a deal on Friday.

Lewis called a meeting of the union's House of Delegates, a bigger consultative body, for Friday afternoon to discuss the status of the talks. That group has the authority to end the strike but a lawyer for the union, Robert Bloch, said that was unlikely unless there was a finalized contract.

Parents of 350,000 kindergarten, elementary and high school students were forced to find alternative child care, kept their children at home or took them to nearly 150 centers around Chicago set up by the city to provide breakfast, lunch and supervision.

It was not clear if school would resume on Monday. Vitale said he was optimistic classes would resume but Lewis was more guarded, saying she was not sure.

Kenwood Academy high school senior Sandy Danard, 17, who marched on Thursday to support teachers, said she risked missing the application deadlines for some colleges because she could not get a paper transcript from her school.

"The counselors aren't in school," she said, and some colleges do not take online transcripts. "It's really stressful on the seniors, and in the end when the strike finally ends, we have to rush," she said.

Extracurricular activities such as popular high school sports and the arts also have been suspended. Some 50,000 public school students at non-union charter schools attended classes as usual. Charters, which account for 12 percent of Chicago students, are controversial because they are publicly funded and the union says they undermine traditional schools.

The teachers' strike is unusual in the United States where unions have been severely weakened by state and local laws constraining their power, and union membership has fallen in a service economy. There were only 19 strikes of 1,000 workers or more in all of 2011, according to government figures.

The Chicago dispute has been fought over issues such as teacher performance evaluations and the authority of school principals, and not about traditional salary and benefits.


Teachers revolted when Emanuel, with support from a national school reform movement financed by wealthy philanthropists and bankers, tried to pin much of teacher evaluations to the results of students on standardized tests such as reading and math.

Using student test scores to rate teachers is in vogue nationally, championed by President Barack Obama's Education Department to raise standards and improve U.S. schools.

But the union argues that it forces them to teach to the test and narrows the curriculum. Chicago teachers also said they should not be evaluated on factors outside their control such as poverty and crime their students endure in some neighborhoods.

Lewis shrewdly built support among parents and teachers in Chicago's inner city communities for two years before calling the strike. The community organizing resulted in strong backing for the strike as well as enthusiastic rallies and picketing.

Two polls taken this week show parents and Chicago voters standing by the union despite the inconvenience to families.

Emanuel has retreated on his teacher evaluation demand, agreeing to phase in the new standards and lowering the percentage weighting of standardized tests.

Even that concession has not sealed a deal, as the union has taken advantage of the pressure on the mayor to press other issues on its list such as shielding members from expected layoffs when schools close.

The school district has offered average wage rises of 16 percent over four years plus some benefit improvements. It is not clear how Emanuel will pay for the wage rises as the school district has drained financial reserves and levied property taxes at the legal maximum.

Debt rating agency Moody's Investor Services said on Thursday that the rises offered by Emanuel probably would bust the school district budget and endanger its credit rating.

The high-profile labor clash in Obama's home city has been awkward for the president. Emanuel is Obama's former top White House aide and a key fundraiser for the president's re-election campaign. Unions are a key constituency of the Democratic party and will be important in getting out the vote on November 6.

(Writing By Greg McCune; Editing by Susan Fenton)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chicago-kids-mark-week-off-school-talks-end-101157935.html

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

'Darksiders II' tops video game titles in August

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/darksiders-ii-tops-video-game-titles-august-213431811--finance.html

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Monday, September 3, 2012

NJ supermarket shooting victims died from wounds

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) ? Two New Jersey supermarket employees killed during a rampage by a co-worker this week died from single gunshot wounds.

Middlesex County Prosecutor Bruce Kaplan says autopsies were performed Saturday on 18-year-old Cristina LoBrutto and 24-year-old Bryan Breen. They were gunned down early Friday at a Pathmark store in Old Bridge Township by 23-year-old Terence Tyler, who committed suicide by shooting himself once in the head with a handgun.

All three were pronounced dead at the scene. About a dozen other workers who were in the store were able to escape the shooting and were not hurt.

The supermarket has been shuttered since the shootings occurred, and a Pathmark spokeswoman said Sunday that it was not known when the store might reopen.

It's still not clear what sparked the shootings. Authorities are investigating his motive, but family members said Tyler ? who once tweeted about killing "everyone I see" ? was discharged from the Marines two years ago after suffering from depression and had never gotten over his mother's death about five years ago.

Authorities said Tyler left his job as an overnight clerk at the supermarket around 3:30 a.m. He drove off and returned to the store shortly afterward with a handgun and an assault rifle similar to an AK-47.

Tyler, who was dressed in camouflage gear, fired more than 16 rounds from his rifle ? shooting first at an employee standing outside the closed store and blowing out windows, authorities said. He then went inside and shot at five other workers in an aisle, including LoBrutto and Breen.

Authorities say Tyler had worked at the store for less than two weeks.

Tyler's Twitter account, which had a photograph identified by family members as Tyler, interspersed posts about hating Marine life, expressions of violence, and his take on football, movies, women and other interests.

"smh is it normal to want to kill ALL of ur coworkers? Maybe but I'm actually in a position where I can, smh," he wrote in June 2009, using the handle (at)Tylerbkstyle and the abbreviation "smh" for "shaking my head."

Tyler tweeted months later about killing.

"I'm starting to see why plp go on killin sprees," he wrote. And these (obscenity) are reeeeeeally pushin my kill everyone I see button."

At the top of Tyler's Facebook page was the motto: "Be optimistic. All the people you hate are going to eventually die."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nj-supermarket-shooting-victims-died-wounds-183848728.html

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