Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All4Women - How to fit into your favourite skinny jeans again

How to fit into your favourite skinny jeans again

Photo ?: ? John Takai - Fotolia.com

We?ve all been there: Despite exercising and watching what you eat, the old jeans don?t fit no more. The answer is simple...

You just need to be more vigilant with your workout programme and diet to maximize calorie burn, boost muscle mass, and decrease body fat.

Fortunately, it?s easier than it sounds when you start putting into practice these powerful and super effective diet tips.

Get ready to trim!

Surviving high calorie situations

Whether it?s the holiday dinner, the office goodies, or the afternoon munchies, temptations to overeat are everywhere. Therefore, learning how to survive these situations - unscathed - is the way to go if you really want to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

To make it through, do the following:

  • The holiday dinner: Go for a long run before dinner. Research shows that subjects who exercised for more than 40-minutes at 50-60 percent of their maximum cardio had lower levels of ghrelin, which is the hormone responsible for hunger.
  • If exercising is not an option, then eat a high protein snack one to two hours prior to the big meal and bring a healthy dish with you, such as fruit salad.
  • The bar. Beer is delicious, but in excess it can compromise your health and weight loss efforts. Alcohol boosts appetite and hinders post-workout recovery, research shows.Therefore, make sure to order a low-calorie drink, such as a light beer or a small glass of wine. You could also preempt the hunger by opting for a protein-rich snack beforehand.
  • Morning pangs. According to a Perdue University study, consuming protein with breakfast can help you feel fuller for longer, thus preventing overeating later on. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Obesity reported that subjects who ate two eggs and toast for breakfast were able to cut out about 1 000 calories a day - mainly from unhealthy snacking - and lost 65 percent more weight than those whose breakfast was a bagel with cream cheese.

Swap the bad for the good

Following a diet is not always about sacrificing good eats. It?s also about substituting the bad for the good so you can keep on eating without feeling hungry all the time.

Here are three fat-burning food swaps:

  • Swap tea for green tea. If you?re a four cups-a-day addict, substitute a couple for the green variety. The latter is jam-packed with catechins, which activates the body?s fat burning processes, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed.
  • Swap sugar in coffee for cinnamon. Adding cinnamon instead of sugar to your coffee can help keep blood sugar levels at bay, thus prevent hunger pangs and overeating.
  • Swap sugary drinks for water with lime. Don?t let the label fool you, even the ?diet? drinks can send your blood sugar soaring thanks to their sweet taste. Therefore, water is a better option and squeezing a lime into it regulates blood sugar and keeps it on the low.

Get more calcium

Calcium keeps bones strong, reduces fracture risk and can also help you keep your BMI in check. According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Nutrition, subjects with the highest calcium intake shed 60 percent more weight than those with the lowest.

Unfortunately, The Journal of Nutrition reports that 38 percent of us don?t get enough calcium. Consequently, make sure to get plenty of this vital ingredient. Aim for at least 1 000 mg a day. Main sources include canned salmon, dark greens, and fortified fruit juices (but in moderation).

About the author

David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.
If you want more practical tips from David DACK, go to http://runnersblueprint.com/weightlossrunning.html and for a limited time you can download his FREE 35-Pages "Weight Loss By Running" eBook.

Don't miss out! Subscribe to our free Weight Loss Tips Newsletter.

Source: http://all4women.co.za/health-and-wellness/weight-loss-tips/how-to-fit-into-your-favourite-skinny-jeans-again.html

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Win a FREE color modified AnoStyle iPhone 5 from The Pod Drop!

Win a FREE color modified AnoStyle iPhone 5 from The Pod Drop!

The Pod Drop, which now includes our very own Ally Kazmucha, have been keeping themselves busy with the iPhone 5 -- namely with their brand new AnoStyle service. If you're wondering what that is exactly, look up at the picture above, and then keep reading to find out more, see more pictures, and to find out how you can win a decked out, AnoStyle iPhone 5 of your very own!

AnoStyle is exclusively available through The Pod Drop, and is a brand new process that's anything but your typical color modification service. It not only adds color to your mobile device but also provides an anodized finish with enhanced durability that actually meets military grade requirements. In the case of the iPhone 5, it will greatly minimize the scratching and scuffing issues in addition to providing fantastic new color options.

Since Anostyle is a modification to your original iPhone 5 parts, failure rates often associated with third party color kits do not apply. And since the repair experts over at The Pod Drop will be the ones handling the process, you can rest assured your device is in good hands.

AnoStyle will be available for everyone well before the holidays, and you'll have the option to either mail in your iPhone 5 or drop it off in person at any Pod Drop location. Turn around time will be about 1 week. (And yes, The Pod Drop has plans to rapidly expand the color palette and extend the AnoStyle service to other mobile devices as well!)

The giveaway

The Pod Drop wants to give one lucky iMore reader the chance to be among the very first with an AnoStyle iPhone, so they're giving you a chance to win a FREE 16GB colored iPhone 5! To enter, just leave a comment telling them if you're with AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon, and what AnoStyle color iPhone 5 you want: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, and gold with turquoise, pink, and copper options coming soon. That's it, you'll be entered! We'll announce the winner on November 1st.

As for the rules: One comment per person. If we find you trying to cheat and enter multiple times, you will be disqualified. The contest is open to U.S. residents of the continental United States only. And the prize is just the iPhone, as is, any additions or accessories are the responsibility of the winners. As always, our regular contest rules apply.

Now, while we really do appreciate you reading through to the end, GO ENTER! Good luck!

Source: The Pod Drop - AnoStyle site coming soon

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/LXiLuT5cbjA/story01.htm

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City expects less sales tax revenue in 2013 - North Kitsap Herald

POULSBO ? The City of Poulsbo is expecting $31.5 million in total revenue in 2013, $9 million for their general fund operating revenue. This is a 3.2 percent decrease from 2012 budgeted revenue, which Finance Director Deb Booher attributes to a projected decrease in sales tax revenue.

Booher presented the revenue sources for the 2013 budget at a public hearing Wednesday.

Booher broke down the city?s revenue sources for the City Council: 71 percent of its revenue comes from taxes, followed by 21 percent from charges for goods and services.

Of the 71 percent tax base, 43 percent comes from sales tax, 33 percent from property tax, and 23 percent from business tax.

Of the property tax, the city is expecting $2,077,552 from the tax levy, which is set at $1.71 per $1,000 of a property?s assessed value. That equates to $513 for the owner of a $300,000 house, a $2 decrease from 2012. The property tax revenue is a 2.36 percent decrease from last year?s property taxes.

All tax districts are limited by the state for how much they can increase their levy, and this is the first year Poulsbo hit its allowed cap of $1.71.The city spends most of its property tax levy on its transportation budget ? $1.02 of the $1.71 for street maintenance and projects. Twenty-four cents goes to general government, such as salaries, and 23 cents goes to police.

The total proposed budget is $24.2 million. General fund revenue is budgeted at $10.9 million, and expenses are estimated at $9.9 million.

The preliminary 2013 budget will be available Nov. 2 in hard copy at City Hall, 200 NE Moe St., and the city will officially set the property tax levy Nov. 7.

The city will be hold public hearings on the preliminary budget Nov. 14 and Nov. 21.

Contact North Kitsap Herald Megan Stephenson at mstephenson@northkitsapherald.com or 360-779-4464.

Source: http://www.northkitsapherald.com/news/174847611.html

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

North Korea claims US within range of its missiles

By NBC News staff and wire reports

SEOUL -- Isolated North Korea claimed Tuesday that the U.S. mainland is "within the scope" of its missiles, two days after South Korea struck a deal with the United States to extend the range of its ballistic missiles.

North and South Korea have been technically at war since their 1950-53 conflict ended?in a truce, not a peace treaty, and regional powers have for years been trying to rein in the North's nuclear weapons program.

North Korea is believed to be developing a long-range missile with a range of 4,160 miles or more aimed at hitting the United States, but two recent rocket tests both failed.

Its neighbors fear the North is using rocket launches to perfect technology to build a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the United States.

'U.S. imperialist aggression'
North Korea's National?Defense?Commission said in a statement that the North was prepared to counter any U.S. military threats, its KCNA news agency said.

"We do not hide (the fact) that the revolutionary armed forces ... including the strategic rocket forces are keeping within the scope of strike not only the bases of the puppet forces and the U.S. imperialist aggression forces' bases in the inviolable land of Korea, but also Japan, Guam and the U.S. mainland," KCNA said.

Official: North Korean soldier kills two officers, defects to South

Pyongyang refuses to let failed rocket launch dampen tone of festivities.

An expert in the South expressed skepticism over the claims.

"There is no evidence that North Korea has succeeded in tests of a missile with a range long enough to hit the U.S. mainland," Yun Duk-Min, a professor at Korea National Diplomatic Academy, said,?according to the AFP news agency.

US-Japan agree on new defense system to counter North Korea ballistic missiles

South Korea on Sunday unveiled an agreement with the United States that extends the range of its ballistic missiles by more than twice its current limit to about 500 miles as a deterrent against the North.

North Korea is under heavy U.N. sanctions that have cut off its previously lucrative arms trade and further isolated the state after its failed 2009 missile test drew sharp rebukes, even from its one major ally, China.

Glimpses of North Korean life exposed by AP photographer

The United States has denied it has any intention to strike North Korea. It has more than 20,000 troops stationed in the South in defense of its ally against the North.

In April, under its new leader Kim Jong-un, North Korea again launched a rocket that flew just a few minutes covering a little over 60 miles before blowing up over the sea between South Korea and China.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/09/14310380-north-korea-claims-us-mainland-within-range-of-its-missiles?lite

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Graphene membranes may lead to enhanced natural gas production, less CO2 pollution

ScienceDaily (Oct. 8, 2012) ? Engineering faculty and students at the University of Colorado Boulder have produced the first experimental results showing that atomically thin graphene membranes with tiny pores can effectively and efficiently separate gas molecules through size-selective sieving.

The findings are a significant step toward the realization of more energy-efficient membranes for natural gas production and for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from power plant exhaust pipes.

Mechanical engineering professors Scott Bunch and John Pellegrino co-authored a paper in Nature Nanotechnology with graduate students Steven Koenig and Luda Wang detailing the experiments. The paper was published Oct. 7 in the journal's online edition.

The research team introduced nanoscale pores into graphene sheets through ultraviolet light-induced oxidative "etching," and then measured the permeability of various gases across the porous graphene membranes. Experiments were done with a range of gases including hydrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, methane and sulphur hexaflouride -- which range in size from 0.29 to 0.49 nanometers -- to demonstrate the potential for separation based on molecular size. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter.

"These atomically thin, porous graphene membranes represent a new class of ideal molecular sieves, where gas transport occurs through pores which have a thickness and diameter on the atomic scale," said Bunch.

Graphene, a single layer of graphite, represents the first truly two-dimensional atomic crystal. It consists of a single layer of carbon atoms chemically bonded in a hexagonal "chicken wire" lattice -- a unique atomic structure that gives it remarkable electrical, mechanical and thermal properties.

"The mechanical properties of this wonder material fascinate our group the most," Bunch said. "It is the thinnest and strongest material in the world, as well as being impermeable to all standard gases."

Those characteristics make graphene an ideal material for creating a separation membrane because it is durable and yet doesn't require a lot of energy to push molecules through it, he said.

Other technical challenges will need to be overcome before the technology can be fully realized. For example, creating large enough sheets of graphene to perform separations on an industrial scale, and developing a process for producing precisely defined nanopores of the required sizes are areas that need further development. The CU-Boulder experiments were done on a relatively small scale.

The importance of graphene in the scientific world was illustrated by the 2010 Nobel Prize in physics that honored two scientists at Manchester University in England, Andre K. Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, for producing, isolating, identifying and characterizing graphene. Scientists see a myriad of potential for graphene as research progresses, from making new and better display screens and electric circuits to producing tiny biomedical devices.

The research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation; the Membrane Science, Engineering and Technology Center at CU-Boulder; and the DARPA Center on Nanoscale Science and Technology for Integrated Micro/Nano Electromechanical Transducers at CU-Boulder.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Colorado at Boulder.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Steven P. Koenig, Luda Wang, John Pellegrino, J. Scott Bunch. Selective molecular sieving through porous graphene. Nature Nanotechnology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2012.162

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/matter_energy/physics/~3/a5NYK1OFfjo/121009112433.htm

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Good girlfriends, good food and good tea do a good afternoon make ...

Sponsored by Nuffnang

I wouldn?t call myself a girly girl.

Sure, I like to wear nice clothes and slap on a bit of lippy every day but I don?t surround myself with pretty, frothy stuff. I?m more of a design aesthetic girl.

Besides, just quietly, I?m positive Mr SY would not cope should I suddenly turn our entire house into a sea of pastel-gelato-coloured loveliness.

But something comes over me like a whitewash of shabby chic any time someone happens to mention High Tea.

I become THAT girly girl.

I become the girl who happily makes two batches of cupcakes because the first batch was more muffin like on account of not being able to correctly calculate how to double a recipe.

I become the girl who goes out and buys pink roses, musk sticks and raspberry bullets.

And I become the girl who?s happy to stick out her pinky for the occasion.

Twinings Assam Bold tea served in Royal Albert china

This High Tea occasion?

Not that my girlfriends and I ever need much of an excuse for an occasion?(just a semi-clear schedule)?but I was asked to trial the new Twinings Assam Bold tea ? the strongest blend ever available in Australia.

I didn?t need to be asked twice because once my morning coffee is done and dusted I?m a tea nut. I always have a pot of something on the go.

So, I started the email chain between us and within a few hours we had a date, a venue and the loan of some pretty special china from which to sample the Assam Bold.

One girlfriend is a collector of three-piece cup, plate and saucer sets. Another ? wait for this ? has her Nana?s Royal Albert set from the UK. Her Nana used to share stories with my girlfriend about the Twinings tea van coming around to sell tea to the people in their village.

It was meant to be.

And just up to me to come up with a menu befitting a bold, malty tea.

Twinings Assam Bold High Tea


Twinings Assam Bold High Tea menu

Gluten-free chicken salad sandwiches

Salmon and cucumber crudites

Gluten-free vanilla cupcakes


Assorted lollies

Twinings Assam Bold high tea

Fancy cupcake holders were called for ? yes they were

Twinings Assam Bold high tea

I?d love to tell you I baked the macarons but I?d be lying. The pink ones were raspberry dark chocolate and the white, filled with lemon curd ? from Elliotts Fine Food

Twinings Assam Bold high tea

How good are raspberry white chocolate bullets?

Twinings Assam Bold high tea

It wasn?t all about the sugar high ?

Twinings Assam Bold high tea

But it kind of was ;)

Twinings Assam Bold high tea

The Assam Bold got a big thumbs up from the girls. It had guts but with a smooth caramel-malt kind of kick. I drink my tea straight up ? no milk or sugar ? and could sip on this all day.

But I got to thinking.

The kind of bold kick in this tea would be perfectly matched to a special kind of drink. A summer tea drink, if you like. A summer tea drink with a kick of its own. And iced tea cocktail blend of loveliness.

Are you getting my drift?

So as the balmy afternoon sun started to dip on to my girlfriends? deck, we indulged and imagined for a couple of hours that we didn?t have to go home and make dinner or run kids? baths.

We sipped on our glasses of Assam Bold Ginger Fling and solved the problems of the first world. As you do.

Twinings Assam Bold Ginger Fling

Twinings Assam Bold Ginger Fling


1l of ice cold Assam Bold tea

1l organic ginger beer

1/2 cup gin (can leave out for a non-alcoholic version)

One lime, thinly sliced

Crushed ice

1. Brew up 1 litre of Twinings Assam Bold tea. One bag will suffice. Allow to cool in fridge.

2. Into a large glass jug, pour the iced tea, ginger beer, gin and lime slices.

3. Pour over ice into tumblers and serve.

I think I?ll be whipping up a jug of Ginger Fling quite regularly this summer. How about you?


Now, see that wooden Twinings tea chest pictured above next to the Ginger Fling? It?s a bit special, isn?t it? Well, thanks to Twinings, I?ve got one to give away (filled with tea of course and valued at $115) to one Styling You reader. To enter, leave a comment below telling me what you would serve up with a pot of Assam Bold Tea. The competition opens October 9, 2012 and closes October 19, 2012. Australian entries only, sorry. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. The winner will be notified by email and details will be published here.?For full terms and conditions, visit here.

Source: http://www.stylingyou.com.au/2012/10/girlfriends-good-food-and-good-tea/

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Army Finally Put a GIANT LASER CANNON on a Truck [Video]

It's been 114 years since Orson Welles first described the nefarious "Heat Ray" in The War of the Worlds. And finally—finally—the US military is on the cusp of deploying a mobile high energy weapon of its very own. Luckily, ours is designed to fry incoming artillery and mortar threats, not the whole of a freshly-conquered civilization. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/87s0lD7vTVw/the-army-finally-put-a-giant-laser-cannon-on-a-truck

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Matt Damon Movie Gets Sparks in Energy Industry

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Source: http://feeds.wsjonline.com/~r/wsj/xml/rss/3_7014/~3/HWZI4i6x4TM/SB10000872396390443294904578042620641185816.html

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